
Research Technicians

We are seeking motivated research technicians who wish to conduct chemical biology research and/or gain experience as an independent researcher. Candidates should have a bachelor degree in chemistry, biology, biochemistry, or related area. If you are interested, please email a cover letter, CV, and contact information for three referees to [email protected]. In your CV, please indicate your research experience, skill set and career goals.

Postdoctoral Scholars

We are actively looking for post-doctoral researchers with experience in in chemical biology, proteomics, organic synthesis, biochemistry, and/or bioinformatics. Specific expertise in multi-component synthesis, enzyme inhibitor development, and/or metabolism oriented chemical biology is desirable. If interested, please email [email protected] with your CV, contact information for three referees and a brief description of how you might fit into one or more of the ongoing lab projects.

Graduate Students

University of Houston graduate students who are interested in chemical biology research are welcome to email [email protected] with your CV and brief description of how your research interests. Graduate students are expected to gain multidisciplinary training in proteomics, molecular biology, biochemistry and synthetic chemistry, with translational impact on cancer and metabolic disease. For prospective graduate students, please apply to the University of Houston PPS graduate program. For more inforamtion see graduate Program in PPS

Undergraduate Students

Undergraduate students who are interested in chemical biology research and/or wish to conduct research as part of their thesis are welcome to apply through email.